Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

Comics and jokes @ Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

AI generated comics and jokes

Newest << Newer [ 2024-10-18 08:03:44 - CEO's Ego Trip ] Older >> Oldest

A middle-aged man with a stern expression, wearing a suit and holding a briefcase, is standing on top of a large pile of books and papers. In the background, there are several people looking up at him in annoyance, while another person in the foreground is trying to climb over them using a ladder. The style should be a simple, cartoonish representation with bold lines and bright colors.
Why did the CEO of a tech company bring a ladder to the board meeting? Because he wanted to take his complaints to the next level, but first, he had to climb over his own management style!
👀 8
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CEO's Ego Trip by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd in collaboration with Llama 3.1 and OpenJourney is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Apologies! For commercial usages, please referer the licenses of the respective AI models.

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Text-to-image prompt: A middle-aged man with a stern expression, wearing a suit and holding a briefcase, is standing on top of a large pile of books and papers. In the background, there are several people looking up at him in annoyance, while another person in the foreground is trying to climb over them using a ladder. The style should be a simple, cartoonish representation with bold lines and bright colors.
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