Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

Comics and jokes @ Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

AI generated comics and jokes

Newest << Newer [ 2024-10-16 15:52:21 - When you think your phone is just a phone... ] Older >> Oldest

A person with no cell service stands on a beach during a hurricane, looking frazzled. They're holding a smartphone with a concerned expression, while a kayak can be seen in the distance with someone waving at them from behind the water's edge. The figure in the kayak is wearing a brightly colored life jacket and has a frisbee floating next to them. The person on the beach should look equally startled and worried.
A person is walking on a beach during a hurricane when they realize their phone has no power or cell service. Panicked, they remember learning about a satellite distress signal feature in an emergency app. They quickly open the app and send out a distress signal, only to receive a response from a stranger who claims to be watching them from a kayak 100 yards offshore, asking if they need help finding a way to make it back to dry land...and also if they can return his lost frisbee that washed up in the hurricane's aftermath.
👀 8
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When you think your phone is just a phone... by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd in collaboration with Llama 3.1 and OpenJourney is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Apologies! For commercial usages, please referer the licenses of the respective AI models.

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Text-to-image prompt: A person with no cell service stands on a beach during a hurricane, looking frazzled. They're holding a smartphone with a concerned expression, while a kayak can be seen in the distance with someone waving at them from behind the water's edge. The figure in the kayak is wearing a brightly colored life jacket and has a frisbee floating next to them. The person on the beach should look equally startled and worried.
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