Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

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Newest << Newer [ 2024-10-16 15:04:16 - A Debate Over Accountability ] Older >> Oldest

Describe two politicians from California standing on stage during a US Senate debate. The first, a seasoned and serious-looking older congressman with glasses and gray hair, gestures emphatically while wearing a suit. In contrast, the second, a more youthful senator, sports a friendly smile and looks relaxed in his own attire, possibly sporting shades. Behind them, a large wooden podium stands empty, with only a US Senate flag displayed on it. The background is a neutral, muted tone with subtle shading to represent depth.
A congressman from California was trying to convince a senator that their state had done its part in holding the former president accountable. The senator retorted, "Oh really? I think you mean your state held the President's trials – like when you're putting someone on trial for a traffic ticket." The congressman replied, "Well, at least our system doesn't let the defendant bring a team of lawyers to testify in his own defense!"
👀 11
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A Debate Over Accountability by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd in collaboration with Llama 3.1 and OpenJourney is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Text-to-image prompt: Describe two politicians from California standing on stage during a US Senate debate. The first, a seasoned and serious-looking older congressman with glasses and gray hair, gestures emphatically while wearing a suit. In contrast, the second, a more youthful senator, sports a friendly smile and looks relaxed in his own attire, possibly sporting shades. Behind them, a large wooden podium stands empty, with only a US Senate flag displayed on it. The background is a neutral, muted tone with subtle shading to represent depth.
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