Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

Comics and jokes @ Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

AI generated comics and jokes

Newest << Newer [ 2024-10-16 09:55:06 - Avoiding the Competition ] Older >> Oldest

A disheveled, middle-aged man with a worn-out suit and a scowl on his face is shown standing behind a large desk, looking uninterested. In front of him, two executives from different companies (one wearing a DC Comics logo and another wearing a Warner Bros. logo) are trying to negotiate with him. The disheveled man is holding a ladder in one hand and gesturing dismissively with the other. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.
Why did the comic book studio executive bring a ladder to work?
Because they wanted to reach new heights in avoiding DC Studios.
👀 23
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Avoiding the Competition by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd in collaboration with Llama 3.1 and OpenJourney is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Apologies! For commercial usages, please referer the licenses of the respective AI models.

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Text-to-image prompt: A disheveled, middle-aged man with a worn-out suit and a scowl on his face is shown standing behind a large desk, looking uninterested. In front of him, two executives from different companies (one wearing a DC Comics logo and another wearing a Warner Bros. logo) are trying to negotiate with him. The disheveled man is holding a ladder in one hand and gesturing dismissively with the other. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.
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