Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

Comics and jokes @ Lucentinian Works Co Ltd

AI generated comics and jokes

Newest << Newer [ 2024-10-17 20:59:40 - Springing into Action ] Older >> Oldest

A woman with long, curly brown hair and a warm smile, wearing a professional business suit and standing in front of a city skyline. She has a confident expression on her face and is holding a briefcase. The background should include subtle hints of government offices or bureaucratic environments, symbolizing her promotion to first deputy role.
Why did Maria Torres-Springer get promoted to first deputy? Because she was great at springing into action and didn't let anyone spring a surprise on her!
👀 9
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Springing into Action by Lucentinian Works Co Ltd in collaboration with Llama 3.1 and OpenJourney is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Apologies! For commercial usages, please referer the licenses of the respective AI models.

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Text-to-image prompt: A woman with long, curly brown hair and a warm smile, wearing a professional business suit and standing in front of a city skyline. She has a confident expression on her face and is holding a briefcase. The background should include subtle hints of government offices or bureaucratic environments, symbolizing her promotion to first deputy role.
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